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Simffoni Mara is a music commissioning led project, supported by lyrics and visuals,
based on life on the edge of the Irish Sea, life on it and life underneath it

Painting by Dawn Reader 2024

Our Story

We are a Community Interest Company which brings people together from both sides of the Irish Sea. Our mission is to create impactful music that reflects the essence of life and connects communities.

Painting by Dawn Reader of the sea
LOGO simffoni taller.png

Prose - Commisioned for the project

Yn y dyfnder rhwng dwylan,

am ennyd, clywyd y gân.


Yn y dim rhwng y ddwy don,

yn y distawrwydd, mae’r dôn.


Yn y gwynt, os gwrandewi,

mae llithiau a lleisiau’r lli.


Prose translation


(In the depth between two shores,

for a moment, the music is heard.


In the nothing between two waves,

in the silence, is the song.


In the wind, if you listen,

are the lessons, and the voices of the sea.)



Fishguard is LIT

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Painting by Dawn Reader 2024

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